Dental Veneers: Porcelain Veneer installation Procedure. 3D illustration

How To Prevent Cavities Under Veneers

September 21, 2023 9:00 am Published by

Porcelain veneers are often used to fix dental imperfections like discoloration, cracks, or small gaps. While they enhance your teeth’s appearance, they don’t guard against cavities forming beneath them or in other parts of your smile. After making an investment in veneers to enhance your smile, the last thing you want is to compromise their longevity with cavities. To maintain your veneers and avoid cavities, follow these tips.

Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene

Because veneers only cover the front surfaces of your teeth, the edges, backsides, and molars remain exposed and susceptible to decay. Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is therefore crucial for preserving both your smile’s health and the condition of your veneers. Brush your teeth twice daily using a soft-bristle toothbrush and a gentle fluoride toothpaste, with particular focus on the veneer areas. Additionally, daily flossing is essential to eliminate plaque and debris from between your teeth and along the gumline.

Eat a Tooth-Healthy Diet

A nutritious diet is key to cavity prevention. Limit your intake of sugary or acidic foods that contribute to tooth decay. Foods and drinks that are sticky or leave a residue on and around your veneers should also be consumed in moderation. Brush after eating when possible, but in a pinch, rinsing your mouth with water will also help to remove lingering food particles and neutralize acids.

Visit Your Arlington, VA Dentist

Regular dental checkups also help prevent cavities from developing under your veneers. During your exam, we can take X-rays that will allow us to detect cavities early. If we see any signs of decay under your veneers, we will be able to take swift action to minimize damage and remedy the situation. If you’re due for a professional cleaning and dental exam, call Ballston Dental Care today to schedule your next visit!

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